Studio Policy:

Lessons - 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min. Lessons are offered, depending on the level and individual needs of a student.

Lesson Fees - current fees are: $37.5 for 30 min lesson, $55 for 45 min lesson, and $70 for 60 min lesson. Payments for the lessons are done by month. Payment for the complete month is expected at the 1st lesson of the month. Some months have fewer or greater than four lessons; please adjust payment accordingly.

Attendance and Make-Up Lessons - Because regular attendance is essential to musical growth, a commitment to lessons for the duration of the term is expected when a student enrols. There can be no tuition deduction or reimbursement for missed lessons. At least 48 hours notice of a students' absence for a lesson must be given. This enables the possibility of rescheduling the lesson to a more convenient time for both the teacher and student. The more advance notice given, the better flexibility is given to reschedule the lessons quickly and effectively. In the event that I must cancel a scheduled lesson, I will provide a make-up or refund.

Academics - during every lesson the following subjects are covered: technique, theory, required pieces and music history.

Proper grooming and studio use - please, keep fingernails short to support a good hand position. Keep hands clean, washing hands before the lesson is required. Don't forget to remove your boots/shoes at the door. A washroom is available when needed.

Practice - In order to progress at the piano, daily practice must assume the same priority as homework and sports. Practice is most effective when the student is alert and undisturbed. The piano should be in tune and away from family distractions. Most students find that setting a regular practice time helps them to be consistent.

Completion of all parts of the assignment is more important than the amount of time spent on the bench. To ensure steady development and minimize frustration, regular and efficient practice habits should be developed.

Studio Location:

117 Sunridge St.,
Richmond Hill, ON, L4E 3Z4
tel: 647-994-3884

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© Copyright 2011-2012 - Oxana Samokhina's Piano Studio
Design and development: Anton Parfenyuk